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February 03, 2017

Video: People In Need Ministry, Ethiopia

One transformed community of disciples bringing joy and hope to the poor in their community as lives are healed and justice increases. A video developed by The Navigators.

February 03, 2017

Video: Rural Malawi Embraces the Gospel

This video tells the story of how God is using a Navigator couple to live and work in the rural villages of Malawi. A video developed by The Navigators.

February 03, 2017

Video: Women At Risk, Ethiopia

A touching story of how the Gospel is transforming prostitutes through a ministry that grew out of Navigators showing compassion for the vulnerable and broken around them. Video developed by The Navigators.

January 31, 2017

Wesley Hill's Sermon: "Justice for All"

"A homily from Micah 6:1-8, preached at Trinity School for Ministry, February 1, 2017

If you poll any average group of people today and ask them for their primary image of God, chances are one of the first answers you’ll hear is judge. God, it is often thought, is like a judge sitting imperiously at a great high bench, robed in black, with a scowl or at least an expression of dull dislike.

And, it must be said, this image is not without biblical support. God is often portrayed as a judge who holds the fate of kings and nations in his hand, who will call all of humanity to account at the Great Assize.

But in our Old Testament lesson for today, the prophet Micah chooses a different image. God, he shows us, is indeed in the courtroom, but he’s there on the floor as the prosecuting attorney ..."

December 15, 2016

Sermon: Justified for Justice

Sermon by Ronald JJ Wong, Yio Chu Kang Chapel on the justified seeking biblical social justice. 

December 15, 2016

Sermon: Missions, Mercy and Justice

Sermon by Rev Ivan Liew, Woodlands Evangelical Free Church on Luke 14:1-14.

December 08, 2016

Article: Injustice Is Our Problem: Why Indifference Is Not An Option

Article by Ronald JJ Wong on the call for Christians to social justice.

"Have you been bullied in school or witnessed someone getting bullied? I have.

Have you met employees who have been unfairly treated – not paid their hard-earned wages, not given adequate rest, mentally abused, physically abused? I have.

Have you ever spoken to a foreign lady who was promised a job as a waitress in Singapore only to find herself working as a prostitute? I have.

Have you heard from a person whose loved ones have been attacked, thrown in jail or even killed for their faith? I have.

Have you ever ostracised someone — whether because of race, beliefs, dressing, mannerism, language, disability, gender or the colour of their skin? I have.

I hope you see then we have a serious problem of injustice. Social injustice. All around us, there is injustice ..."

Article: Micah Singapore brunch conversation on social justice in the Singapore church

Write up on Micah Singapore brunch conversation on social justice in the Singapore church

Survey on social justice and local churches

An empirical survey on social justice and local churches

January 31, 2017

Timothy Keller's Article "What is Biblical Justice?"

"When I was professor at a theological seminary in the mid-eighties, one of my students was a young man named Mark Gornik. One day we were standing at the copier and he told me that he was about to move into Sandtown, one of the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in Baltimore. I remember being quite surprised. When I asked him why, he said simply, “To do justice.”

It had been decades since any white people had moved into Sandtown. For the first couple of years there, it was touch and go. Mark told a reporter, “The police thought I was a drug dealer, and the drug dealers thought I was a police officer. So, for a while there, I didn’t know who was going to shoot me first.” Yet over the years Mark, along with leaders in the community, established a church and a comprehensive set of ministries that have slowly transformed the neighborhood. ..."

December 15, 2016

Sermon: What does it mean to truly know God?

Sermon by Ps Jacob Ng, Redemption Hill Church on Jeremiah 9:23-26: "God practises steadfast love, justice and righteousness, and those who truly know Him are circumcised in their hearts to desire these."

December 07, 2016

Interview: Derrick Wong cafe partner serving the homeless community in Chinatown

Interview article by Ronald JJ Wong with Derrick Wong, cafe partner serving the homeless community in Chinatown.

December 15, 2016

Sermon: Justice for the Vulnerable

December 31, 2013

Video: How To Start A Movement

With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. (Hint: it takes two.) From TED2010.

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