We are an organic community of Christians and organisations passionate about seeking shalom through justice, mercy and integral missions.
To see the Singapore Church become a community of shalom seeking justice, mercy & integral mission in Singapore and the world.
We strive to be always encouraging, engaging and empowering churches & Christians to become inter-dependent & collaborative communities of shalom seeking justice, mercy and integral missions.
To catalyse the Singapore Church to become a community of shalom seeking justice, mercy and integral mission in Singapore and the world.
We subscribe to the 1974 Lausanne Covenant and the 2001 Micah Declaration on Integral Mission.
Integral Mission
Integral mission is the manifestation--the proclamation and demonstration--of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God through good works and good words. This should be expressed in every aspect of the Christian's life in every place and every space.
"Integral mission or holistic transformation is the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. It is not simply that evangelism and social involvement are to be done alongside each other. Rather, in integral mission our proclamation has social consequences as we call people to love and repentance in all areas of life. And our social involvement has evangelistic consequences as we bear witness to the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
If we ignore the world we betray the word of God, which sends us out to serve the world. If we ignore the word of God we have nothing to bring to the world. Justice and justification by faith, worship and political action, the spiritual and the material, personal change and structural change belong together. As in the life of Jesus, being, doing and saying are at the heart of our integral task."
"Social activity not only follows evangelism as its consequence and aim, and precedes it as its bridge, but also accompanies it as its partner. They are like the two blades of a pair of scissors or the two wings of a bird. This partnership is clearly seen in the public ministry of Jesus, who not only preached the gospel but fed the hungry and healed the sick. In his ministry, kerygma (proclamation) and diakonia (service) went hand in hand. His words explained his works, and his works dramatized his words. Both were expressions of his compassion for people, and both should be of ours. Both also issue from the lordship of Jesus, for he sends us out into the world both to preach and to serve. If we proclaim the Good News of God’s love, we must manifest his love in caring for the needy. Indeed, so close is this link between proclaiming and serving, that they actually overlap."
John Stott, "Evangelism and Social Responsibility: An Evangelical Commitment" 1982, Lausanne Occasional Paper 21
Biblical Social Justice
Biblical social justice is God's desire for every person to freely and fully participate in community in communion with Him. The failure to do justice is sin.
Social justice is integral to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God because it is why we fall short, what we are saved for and what we are saved to.
By living a life of integral discipleship, which includes practising biblical social justice, the Church as God’s Kingdom community can manifest the Gospel of God’s Kingdom.
Our response to God’s covenantal faithfulness must be to live justly, love mercy (loving-kindness and faithfulness), and walk humbly with God. To live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God is to love God and to love neighbour. God took injustice upon Himself as the cost of our injustice in order to fulfil cosmic justice and make us just. Cosmic justice enabled social justice. We are justified for justice: to live justly and seek justice. The justice demand has been fulfilled to become our grace-fuelled response of justice.
“Shalom” is often translated as “peace” but its biblical usage suggests something much deeper. Nicholas Wolterstorff: “[It] is the human being dwelling at peace in all his or her relationships with God, with self, with fellows, with nature... Shalom at its highest is enjoyment in one’s relationship”. As the Westminster Shorter Catechism instructs us, the chief end of man is to “glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever”. It is in Christ that shalom can be brought about. The Gospel of God’s Kingdom is the Gospel of shalom.
Wolterstorff says that “[s]halom is both God’s cause in the world and our human calling”. At the same time, it is clear that complete shalom will only be realised in the future consummated Kingdom where our sanctification will be complete and we will be glorified. What we enjoy now is a foretaste of shalom in God’s consummated Kingdom. The individual Christian’s role then is to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of shalom so that others too may enter into shalom in Christ.
Micah Singapore is part of Micah Global Network, a global community of Christians (aid / NGO organisations, mission organisations, academic / training institutes, local congregations, networks, alliances, denominational secretariats and individuals) drawn together because of their passion and commitment for integral mission.
Underpinning all that we do is Micah 6:8:
What is good and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
The vision of Micah Network is a global Christian community mobilised for transforming mission through the Gospel.